we’re in!!!!

After a 5-4 victory over the Cleveland Indians tonight, the Red Sox have clinched a playoff berth. We’re in!! ~ GO SOX!!!!


7 thoughts on “we’re in!!!!

  1. Off topic, but I wanted to tell you about an email I just got. Obama AND Biden are coming to North Carolina on Saturday. They’ll be in a city about an hour away from me and I am so bummed because I already had plans to go to the beach this weekend. Otherwise I’d be going to see them. But I’m excited they are coming (that means they see what I see, that NC can maybe “turn it blue”)!


  2. Hi Girasoli, congratulatins to the Red Sox! Did the Dodgers make the playoffs too? :)
    Off topic also, did you hear that this Friday’s debate was cancelled? Bummer if that’s true. Annie, too bad you’ll miss seeing them.
    Go Red Sox!


  3. Sorry for piling on the OT stuff on your Red Sox thread, but a brand new poll just released shows Obama with a 2-point lead here in North Carolina. Woo Hoo!
    Maybe just maybe I’ll get my wish to live in a blue state!


  4. Menehune…it is looking like the Angels. That should be interesting with how we fared against them this year.
    Kathy, it is looking like the Dodgers will be in also. They need to win 1 more game OR the Diamondbacks need to lose 1 more game and they are in.
    Regarding politics…
    Annie, that would be cool to go see him. His sister is speaking at a rally tonight on the other side of the island tonight. I have thought about going, but was out late last night, staying at my school for a night time workshop and do not really want to be out late again tonight with school again tomorrow. Virginia is looking very blue now and NC is getting close!!
    Kathy, I was shocked when I got home last night to see all that happened in the news yesterday ! It looks like the debate is not yet canceled but McCain is sticking strong with insisting on canceling it and I have heard now that he wants to also postpone the VP debate! It looks pretty fishy to me (a political move rather than a country first move).


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